BNI Singapore Simplifies Financial Services for Indonesian Students -

BNI Singapore Simplifies Financial Services for Indonesian Students


BNI Singapore Simplifies Financial Services for Indonesian Students

The presence of PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk or BNI Singapore Overseas Branch Office (KCLN) facilitates the daily activities of students in Indonesia. 

As experienced by Amanda, a student majoring in Communication at the University of Indonesia who has just completed a double degree program at Curtin University Singapore since last year. 

In the Land of Lions, Amanda studied media communication and digital marketing. A world that he loves and wants to be a place where he can pursue a career after graduating from college. 

"I really like seeing people work in the world of media agencies , it seems exciting. When I found out there was an opportunity for a double degree abroad, why didn't I try it and I happened to pass the test," said Amanda while talking with Republika in the Merlion Park area, Singapore, earlier this week.

Amanda, who has also been a BNI customer since she was in high school, said that BNI's various digital and savings services made it easier for her to manage monthly consumption as well as save. 

The most convenient service is of course the BNI digital mobile banking application which is very easy to use. " BNI mobile banking is easier for checks and I can send money directly to my parents because my family uses BNI," he said. 

Amanda added, the BNI Mastercard debit card that she had since the beginning of using BNI could also be used to shop for various daily needs while in Singapore for a fee. Of course, with transaction fees that are very affordable for students like him.  

When you need cash and want to withdraw it from a BNI account, Amanda just has to come to the automated teller machine (ATM) at the BNI Singapore Main Office located on Cecil Street, the Central Business District area. 

ATM machines will automatically convert rupiah savings into Singapore dollars according to the exchange rate at the time of exchange. Interestingly, customers are no longer charged cash conversion fees.

Even though she is still a student, Amanda also does not forget to set aside some of her monthly money to be put in savings. He employs the student-friendly BNI Taplus Muda service. As is well known, BNI Taplus Muda is a savings product aimed towards young Indonesians between the ages of 17 and 35.

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